As a 34-year resident of Clyde Hill, council person for 15 years and protem mayor with extensive hands-on experience in positive city governance, I am acutely aware of and concerned with the council’s chaotic decline in the past two years resulting from the self-serving agendas and personal resentments of several council members. I endorse Ryan Olson for council position 4 knowing his continuing service with the city government, his knowledge of city codes and finances, and his professional background make him by far the most qualified to serve the best interests of Clyde Hill’s citizens, and hopefully will help return the city government to the smooth operating environment it enjoyed in the three-odd decades prior to the past two years.
Given his 20 plus years of local real estate experience and his recent three years of service on the City Planning Board, we endorse Ryan knowing he will continue to serve the citizens of Clyde Hill well.
Ryan is a long-term resident who raised his family here and continues to be concerned and protective of where Clyde Hill is heading… Ryan Olson is the one with proven experience to work for us.
I am endorsing Ryan Olson for City Council. Ryan has shown his interest in our community by serving on the Planning Commission for 3 years and lending his much-needed real estate expertise. He is selfless and has NO PERSONAL AGENDA…
Ryan is a Clyde Hill born and raised resident; possesses knowledge and history of our city, he is well engaged in the ongoing solutions for current day issues, and has the vision for preservation and safeguarding what’s to come.
[Ryan] will be a unifying force and solid supporter of public safety, balanced budget, and residential land use priorities our residents expect from our City officials.
I have known Ryan Olson for more than twenty-five years, both professionally and personally. I know he has the integrity, personality, experience and wisdom to be an outstanding Councilmember.
Resident Endorsements
John Olerud
Kelly Olerud
Tina PappasPresident NAI Puget Sound Properties
Jill ZimmermanClyde Hill Planning Commission
Benson Porter
Julia Porter
Phil BivensUniversal Auto Group
Jeff Forsberg
Terri Forsberg
Scott Coombs
Nick Madonna
Gerry Becker
Jeff Chaney
Sun Chaney
John Besteman
Alischia Besteman
Mike Foley
Ian Olsen
Julie Olsen
Community Leader Endorsements
Bob WallaceWallace Properties
John CarlsonKemper Development
Kemper FreemenBellevue Collection